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Saturday, May 14, 2011

24 hrs transit

The flight has lasted for about 11 hrs.
Now, I'm in KLIA waiting for my next flight.
I've been in-transit for 24 hrs.
24 hrs!!! That's a hell of a long time.
But, I like KLIA. So, I don't really mind it.
It's a nice place to transit.

In the meantime, it has dawned upon me that, I have indeed been missing all this.

I have missed:

- that gnawing impatience while counting down the hours, minutes and seoonds for check-in time, boarding time and departure time

- the trepidation of being mistakenly identified as a terrorist

- that short adrenalin burst during take-off

- my stomach tightening in knots during turbulence

- the fascination of the 10-year old within me for about anything that may be happening outside the window

- the epic back and butt pains that come with a 7-11+ hrs flight

- being sanwiched in a cramped environment that stales of air-refreshners and unwashed bodies

- the endless waiting

I have missed all that.
And by God, I'm enjoying having these feelings again!
It's like I'm alive

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pics are clickable for
slightly bigger version!